Dear Friend, enclosed is our membership renewal which will ex-pire in two months. Also an offering for a mass to be said with the intentions of all our dearly departed family members. Our wish with gratitude to Saint Gabriel that he may guide and protect us all throughout our lives to be better people. Just a little note to express you how we enjoy your magazine, it’s very spiritual and it leaves you feeling good after you want to go into the world, and be a better person and help others. Thank you kindly. Julia-17yrs old &         Jessica-15yrs old Surette Brantford On (Canada)

Please accept my donation as a gift to the mission of Saint Gabriel in me-mory of my mother E.F. For as long as I can remember she has been devoted to Saint Gabriel, making pilgrimages whenever she visited Italy. Now that she has passed and her beloved granddaughter is being treated for cancer it is appropriate that this gift be offered at this time. Best regards.     J.F.I., West Deptford NJ (Usa)

Dear Direttore, please find a check as a donation to St Gabriel for favor granted thru prayers. My family and I are grateful and thankful to St Gabriel for answering our prayers. We will continue to pray to him forever and whenever an occasion arises, I will let others know that St Gabriel will help them in their needs. Please pray for my deceased parents who came from Abruzzo over 100 years ago, and pray also for all my special intentions. I will continue to pray to St Gabriel that he will bless all the workers at St Gabriel’s church, and to keep them all in good help so they can continue to carry on God’s work. Again, we thank you and St Gabriel for answering our prayers. Best wishes to all at St Gabriel’s church.   Angelina S.B. Pennsauken NJ (Usa)

Thank you very much dear friends, for kind donations and for your wishes and prayers. With pleasure we’ll pray for all your special intentions. Thank you for help. May St Gabriel guide and protect you and your families forever. Pde