If you are young, you have lots of friends / but is you are old, you have no friends

– So my brother, if you have no friends, remember Jesus is always your friend

If you are rich, you have lots of friends / but if you are poor, you have no friends

– So my brother, if you have no friends, remember Jesus is always your friend

If you are healthy, you have lots of friends / but if you are sick, you have no friends

– So my brother, if you have no friends, remember Jesus is always your friend

If you are young, are rich, or are healthy, you have lots of friends /

but if you are old, are poor, or are sick, you have no friends

– So my brother, if you have no friends, remember Jesus is always your friend

– And his friendship will never end, because his kingdom never ends.

CARO DIRETTORE in occasione di rinnovare l’abbonamento all’Eco, che cerco di promuovere anche tra i miei amici, aggiungo la soprastante preghiera che chiedo di pubblicare. L’altro giorno andai al cimitero e feci una foto del mio angelo (a lato anche foto di moglie e nipote e numerosi biglietti) e  che per 55 anni è stata tanto affezionata alla rivista. La mia intenzione è di portare la statua di san Gabriele qui in America anche a mie spese, sulla collina della città di Clifton per proteggere la gioventù.    Carmine Palangio Lyndhurst, New Jersey (Usa)