caro direttore

CARO SAN GABRIELE mandiamo la nostra piccola offerta e ti preghiamo di proteggere sempre le nostre famiglie e di mantenere i figli e nipoti sempre sulla buona strada. Man-diamo la foto (n.1) della nostra famiglia e vogliamo vederla su L’Eco. Buone feste da Maria e Frank DiFrancesco Hamilton Ontario (Canada)

ABBIAMO FESTEGGIATO 60 anni di matrimonio lo scorso 25 settembre. Per favore pubblicate su L’Eco la nostra foto (n.3). Siamo nati a Villa Ilii di Colledara e viviamo in Canada, ma dieci anni fa abbiamo festeggiato il 50esimo nella cappella di san Gabriele con una gioia indescrivibile. Mandiamo i dollari per le sante messe in onore di san Gabriele e per i nostri cari defunti.  Silvio e Lidia Sacco, Welland On (Canada)

MAY I BE THE FIRST to wish you and all who work – religious and lay persons – at St Gabriel’s, a very healthy and blessed New Year. Enclosed please find a check to St Gabriel’s Church in thanksgiving for special favors received and with continuous prayers from me and my family that St Gabriel watch over us and help us in all our present needs. My parents came from Teramo in 1920 and continued their devotion. We grew up honoring all about St Gabriel and all the Italian saints that Italians were so proud of. My family and I continue to pay special homage to St Gabriel. I now pray that my deceased parents and deceased relatives are happy in heaven with St Gabriel and their favorite saints. We continue to pray for them while knowing that they are with us here in spirit and continue to watch over us. I pray that God continue to bless you and all the workers at St Gabriel’s. May you all have a very happy and healthy New Year. Please continue to pray for me and my family as I continue to pray St Gabriel for all of you. Sincerely thankful to Saint Gabriel. Angelina S. Barnabie, Pennsauken NJ (Usa)

THANKS DEAR MADAM for your kind donation and wishes. Praising the Lord and Saint Gabriel for you and your family, for your deceased parents and all deceased relatives. Wishing you a New Year full of health and blessings. pde